20 years ago, 13 March 1989, sir Tim Berners-Lee the document published pt. „Information Management: And proposal”. Moment this is been careful for the symbolic beginning of the net of WWW.
In those times Berners-Lee he was engaged in the Geneva squad of CERN. His proposal connected related to the improvements of the instructions the results of the investigative works which at the amazing pace went out from laboratories. It walked about this that workers rotation had been so large that this serious scientific institution had not been able to supervise this what is going on, it many valuable information got lost, and computer equipment used by workers was diverse unusually and did not co-operate with oneself generally.
Two years are the typical time of the sojourn at us of scholars„; we still lose information by this. New people introduction requires the time to acquaint them with this all. Technical details of finished long ago projects get lost. We at best regain them after the long-lasting investigation in emergency situations” – he wrote so Berners-Lee in the introduction to the Advice Scientific CERN.
The solution of this problem, he had to be „the universal system joint with each other information, in which generality and the easiness of the transfer given there would be more important than ingenious graphic and folded effects additional functionalities. This will allow to find the place for every information or reference which could be recognised for important (…) results should be attractive so that she by the quantity grows nagromadzonej in this way of information, and encourages to more far his of the using after crossing of certain critical border the usefulness of this patern on so many”.
Obviously on the realization of the vision Bernersa-Lee it came to wait to the extradition first browser Mosaic, and to her popularizing – after appearing oneself in the half of years ' 90 XX of the age of Jima work Clarka and March Andressena – the browser Netscape.
From this opportunity today sir Tim Berners-Lee and co - workers will be his to celebrate in the Geneva laboratory of the physics of particles of elementary. Listen meanwhile, what the main hero himself had during the February conference TED to the saying :
http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/484 (click to check)
source: news.cnet.com
WWW jubilee
World News
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