Germany's gold

The Germany throws out to litters the half ton of gold annually. They throw out together with with 24 millions old cellular telephones.

And water on the mill of the hamburgs foundry Norddeutsche Affinerie (he just changes I will name on Aurubis), regaining the gold from points of contact and the arrangements of electric mobile phones, computers itp, the German institution works on full turns in the worst from second world war crisis etc . , exchanging he throws the litter about in the bars of gold. As the agency Bloomberg passes, what the company the year regains 3,5 of this metal worth tones 110 million USD. The similar firm Umicore regains near the Antwerp (Belgium) 6 tons annually.

The recycling campaign undertaken by Philips, the largest in Europe manufacturer of television sets helps them, and Nokię, the front producer of mobile phones. Philips will give to 2012 r. 1 mld of EUR on the projects of the products which will facilitate the salvage of materials. Nokia tries to convince the users of telephones, instead of to throw out, they gave back old devices to recycling.

Does he as yet hit there only what sixth old mobile phone thrown out in the Germany. Wish, because – as learned counted from Berlinian engineering college, the ton of electronic throws the litter about he contains average 347 grams of gold. And gold beats price records recently.

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