French antipirate

The debate began on the subject of new anti-pirate recipes in the French parliament. The law has to introduce obligatory in connections, meanwhile public hotspoty will be able to make accessible exclusively limited number of the Web PAGES.

Frenchmen fight with the new right for months. It was successful however to establish the final shape of the document in the measure after long negotiations. The proposal hit on the Monday before Accumulating National. He values himself chances on her introduction in the life as large – in spite, that some parties from whole strengths oppose new records.

The law foresees the creation new specregulatora about the name HADOPI. Mine he to administer the black letters of the users who were be cut off from the Net for using from P2P. Principle of three steps will be in force (e-mails warning, written warning, the blockade the access to Internet on 3-12 months).

Within the of contained contract with the owners of autorskich rights, the movie makers bound themselves to the somewhat quicker publication of the plates DVD after cinema Prime Ministers and resignation of the majority of the mechanisms of the digital management the rights (DRM).

The international Federation Industry Fonography is delighted. Her general manager, John I „do not understand BitTorrent” Kennedy, he said: „Our future depends on this, (...) or we in the state will bear the working business in the environment which illegal music flooded legally”.

The European parliament already criticised the new French right. The proposal of the limitation of functionality hotspotów aroused the special surprise. They have the exclusively closed, limited list of shopwindow to offer users to previews the (principle of the white list). Remaining services will be blocked.

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