Muscles from coal nanotubs are 30 times stronger than humans

The muscles of the new generation were created by Ray Baughman. Thanks to nanotubs, they are incredibly strong and light. The invention can be the future of artificial limbs, chance on pressure suit the rhodium from Crysisa and next step in side „Apprentice” In the more far part of the text you will find recordings showing muscles „in the action”.

„The man versus the machine.” Such compositions lose any sense slowly. He looks on this that they beat us on the next field thanks to the scientists of the machine.

Muscles are made from coal nanotubs are 30 stronger times than human muscles and almost so light the as air. 10% shrink natural muscle fibre with the maximum speed on the second, while fibres made from coal nanotubs this 40 000 % in the same time.

To disappear is huge, do you want more? Artificial muscles are in the state to function near temperatures from -160 to above 1537 the Celsius degrees. That is from the liquid nitrogen to the temperature in which the iron drowns.

Works over the improvement of the invention last continually. Scientists now find many uses for artificial muscles already. The technology can very much achieve many good (e.g. artificial limb), but I interesting am when someone falls on idea of construction of robot gifted feelings and such muscles. The turn „strength of the love” will take the new meaning.

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