The sunny battery done from vodka, tea and doughnuts

Is this not one from the playful internet recordings of the type „one can What find in the VCR?”. One from doughnuts, really will give to make vodkas and tea working sunny link and this in home conditions. Do you want to know how? You will find the recording with instructions in the more far part of the text.

Finding of the equivalents of American products on our market is the only problem. I do not know if, similar gives to be give in the Poland „advanced technically” doughnuts. This Starbucks have to unlock what to the tea in Warsaw and Wroclaw. There with strong liquor should not are nowhere no problems for this. One can get tablets with iodine without the prescription in every drugstore.

All laboratory gadgets, used while recording, he will give oneself to replace home equipment AGD near the bit of the effort with the success.

The battery offers only 0.13 amps on the square metre, so power supply the house doughnuts comes off rather. This is rather the curiosity, and the decisive invention is not. What different power supply alone oneself, but this already the subject on different news.

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