Google control us ?

One more and more and loudly speaks about world domination Google, controls us through this firm on practically every one step - not only in Internet. Is Google with us everywhere in fact, even in the road to the work, if at universities? Let's see now …

morning the sound of the alarm-clock wakes me - puts obviously on my the telephone G1, which is controlled through the platform the Android. The direction the bathroom, kitchen - breakfast, coffee. Time on checking my Gmaila - obviously near the use of Chrome’a. It to see quickly what to happen oneself recently in the world I start my reader RSS - Google Reader. I found the interesting text in Google News - I will send him to my friend, it will be for mediation komunikatora the most quickly - GTalk. OK, the time to the work.

I have to prepare several simple documents - Google Docs will do in wholeness. I can not forget about planned spotkaniach in this week, I will replenish now Google Calendar and he will synchronize him from G1. The time home, I will check about which I have the the closest bus (Google Transit).

I was the witness of the interesting event after the road, I will describe now this on blogu in the service Blogger, fortunately my telephone was equipped in the apparatus - I will add now the picture (Picasa) additionally and the place the best as he will present using Google Maps.

About! The colleague copied me by GT, I got some film (YouTube). I could not unfortunately initially at him, but I sought the solutions of my problem (Google Search) quickly and from groups controversial Google Groups hit on the answer on one.

The time on the relaxation, maybe the cinema? Interesting what do they play now, I will peep on Google Movie? There is exactly no interesting anything unfortunately. Hard, I will read me registered the book (Google Books)eventually maybe. Supposedly the book English, but very a lot of french-speaking quotations appear in her, I do not know this language unfortunately, but Google Translate comes with the help. Good, time to prepare till the next day, I will do the list of the thing to making and throw in them to the Calendar.

Do you case during the of your day use the half of these services? If so, then your name can boldly is Googleholic. The confessors of various conspirational theories with the certainty foresee that this is one from stages over the global control of every one from us, but their road - he the quantity of tools, information and the possibility of the control now is really huge already, and considered the exclusively part of the most popular services in this history.

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