Own cable computer

The construction of the own computer sounds how the task not to the realization for the usual mortal. Construction of the computer for the spider help however already rises the form of the art. Using only and exclusively cable connections the author of this project built the own computer. Exactly 1253 connections with earned 2506 endings. Even if the device did not work, then it was already the quite pretty sculpture. However the computer works one can what admire on put below the film. Every section was designed and built from bases: sound, painting, and even the interface of the keyboard.

The construction is amazing according to me and the huge contribution of work and patience in the building of the device shows. What does not have to get divorced over her usefulness, because the someone will say, will always find himself from one can buy the computer for the small price... Turn however the attention, the somehow whole thanks to such constructors with the passion goes our technical schools to the front from this.


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